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Наше новое видео уже на youtube, милости просим. Полную DVD версию концерта в ближайшее время тоже можно будет заиметь.
HD-качество картинки, все дела.
HD-качество картинки, все дела.
Дикая Мята
Народ, а поехали на фестиваль Дикая мята?
1,2,3 июня, под Калугой, этно музыка.
вся инфа-тута www.mintmusic.ru/
1,2,3 июня, под Калугой, этно музыка.
вся инфа-тута www.mintmusic.ru/
Наш офис два дня назад подсел на этого исполнителя. За моей спиной стоят новокупленные колонки и тянется 10-метровый провод от них (чтобы подключать к любому компу в комнате и слушать музыку любого из сидящих полуофисных планктонов).
Подсели, конкретно, на песню Insane-Fennel — Darkness, а сегодня я нашел его на promodj.com.
Оказывается, это Питерский человечек, который практически не раскручен дальше субкультурной столицы. Его песни мы только на вконтакте нашли.
Советую всем послушать его. Да, дабстеп, ну а куда деваться? Учение Кадетта меня коснулось.
Оказывается, это Питерский человечек, который практически не раскручен дальше субкультурной столицы. Его песни мы только на вконтакте нашли.
Советую всем послушать его. Да, дабстеп, ну а куда деваться? Учение Кадетта меня коснулось.
Пра музыку
Давно чото дабстепа не было.
Нате вам товарища Skism
Клипов нормальных чото ненаблюдаю.
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Нате вам товарища Skism
Клипов нормальных чото ненаблюдаю.
Пра музыку
Собственно клип под катом. Ибо там обили мужских неэрегированных хуёв, которые в простонародье зовуццо «пиписьки»
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Рок детки
зацените детишек, делающих каверы на Рамштайн. Драммер отпад вообще)
Ответы на комментарии к их видео(как я понял, отвечает один из родителей):
We'd like to thank most commentators; kids are happy that their work is rewarded with appreciation.
There are other commentators, some simply nasty or others honestly concerned, which we'd like to answer here.
1. No! the kids are not being pushed or forced to play. While we consider that music should be part of their education, the priority is that they should enjoy their childhood. That is why they practice only 1hr daily. They are also home-schooled (actually unschooled) and have a lot of time to study what, when and how they want it. And also freedom to play. The results have been beyond expectations.
2. We don't like stardom, don't want kids to be stars and all that circus. They are not very technical (just because are not being forced to practice a lot), but their performances are still pretty good, and particularly Sonne is quite outstanding. Their charm can be explained by their freedom of expression.
3. Why they don't look very happy and smiling? One explanation is that they are tense trying the recording to come out good. Also this type of music is not entertainment. They don't like 'shake-butt' music. They listen to music a lot and they choose. Stefan made a list with 200 favorite songs, starting with Little Richard in the 50's and ending with Rammstein.
4. Is Rammstein a good choice for children? Some of their videos we don't like, some of the lyrics also, but overall their music, with that unique combination of immense power, tension, glorious themes and subtle infusion of good taste romanticism, makes them the best musicians of the past 20 years.
And last — no, Cornelia is not using barbie dolls; it's a short drum stick wrapped with fabric to simulate the big drum, and a small maraca which simulates a snare drum. She has her talents, but she is not the best drummer, at least not as good as that boy Igor Malecki from Poland. But altogether they play well and are charming.
— Only 5 yrs and 8 mo, Cornelia is helping her older brother and sister to record one of their favorite songs. Rammstein has some amazing compositions, likeable to younger kids too.
Children Medieval Band:
Stefan (10) — vocal, guitar, violin
Olga (8) — keyboard
Cornelia (5) — drum, harp
Ответы на комментарии к их видео(как я понял, отвечает один из родителей):
We'd like to thank most commentators; kids are happy that their work is rewarded with appreciation.
There are other commentators, some simply nasty or others honestly concerned, which we'd like to answer here.
1. No! the kids are not being pushed or forced to play. While we consider that music should be part of their education, the priority is that they should enjoy their childhood. That is why they practice only 1hr daily. They are also home-schooled (actually unschooled) and have a lot of time to study what, when and how they want it. And also freedom to play. The results have been beyond expectations.
2. We don't like stardom, don't want kids to be stars and all that circus. They are not very technical (just because are not being forced to practice a lot), but their performances are still pretty good, and particularly Sonne is quite outstanding. Their charm can be explained by their freedom of expression.
3. Why they don't look very happy and smiling? One explanation is that they are tense trying the recording to come out good. Also this type of music is not entertainment. They don't like 'shake-butt' music. They listen to music a lot and they choose. Stefan made a list with 200 favorite songs, starting with Little Richard in the 50's and ending with Rammstein.
4. Is Rammstein a good choice for children? Some of their videos we don't like, some of the lyrics also, but overall their music, with that unique combination of immense power, tension, glorious themes and subtle infusion of good taste romanticism, makes them the best musicians of the past 20 years.
And last — no, Cornelia is not using barbie dolls; it's a short drum stick wrapped with fabric to simulate the big drum, and a small maraca which simulates a snare drum. She has her talents, but she is not the best drummer, at least not as good as that boy Igor Malecki from Poland. But altogether they play well and are charming.
— Only 5 yrs and 8 mo, Cornelia is helping her older brother and sister to record one of their favorite songs. Rammstein has some amazing compositions, likeable to younger kids too.
Children Medieval Band:
Stefan (10) — vocal, guitar, violin
Olga (8) — keyboard
Cornelia (5) — drum, harp