Знаете, что это? Это детектор алкоголя в стакане! Определяет марку вискаря. Или подделку.
Just dip the Rotgutonix pen into a glass of alcohol (no mixers, please), and let it soak for 20 seconds. The pen’s liquid-crystal display will tell you if you’re about to drink some real whiskey or some nasty rotgut, it’ll tell you.
Unfortunately the device can currently only detect the chemical composition of 6 brands of liquor: Johnnie Walker, JB, DYC, Havana Club, Pampero and Brugal. So if you prefer Makers Mark, or something that starts with a Glen, you’re S.O.L. for now. The good news is that makers of the Rotgutonix are working on a future update that should allow it to detect up to 20 different booze profiles.
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